We are happy to invite you to the HealthFerm webinar on 6th of November 2pm-3:30pm CET:

Microbiology and technology of sourdough production

Moderator: Jan de Vries, Nutrition Solutions, Gorssel, The Netherlands


  • Christophe Courtin: Introduction
  • Luc de Vuyst: Microbial aspects of sourdough production
  • Kati Katina: Technological and sensory aspects of sourdough production
  • Valery Gutsal: how do we use this knowledge in an industrial contex

Register for this free webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5743386291592241757?source=hgf

We are happy to announce that HGF has a new Board with some fresh members! The new Board began its term at the start of 2024, and we had the opportunity to meet each other in person during the General assembly, which as held as a satellite meeting during the ICBC24 conference in Nantes, France on April 22.

Leading our new Board is Dr Krisfof Brijs who works as the Industrial Research Manager at the Lab of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry of KU Leuven in Belgium. Dr Ville Koistinen, who is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland and University of Turku, took the position of the Vice Chair. We are also happy to welcome back into the Board Professor Kati Katina from the University of Helsinki, who is one of the founders of the Forum, and Lovisa Martin Marais, a new member representing Lantmännen from Sweden.

While the new HGF Board is committed to maintaining the workshops and other events that we have been organizing in the past, we are also looking forward to renewing HGF so that it better serves all its members. To ensure that the Forum remains a dynamic and beneficial platform to all of us, we will soon be gathering feedback from all members. Our ordinary General Assembly and follow-up on the strategy workshop on June 5th (3 to 5 pm CET) is already approaching, hope to see you there!

We are pleased to inform you that the Healthgrain Forum (HGF) is preparing to showcase its collaboration and activities at the 17th International Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC24) in Nantes, France from April 22 – 25!

ICBC24 is organized by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) and is designed to offer a diverse range of informative sessions, each exploring various aspects of cereal science, ranging from the intricacies of agricultural policies to the progressive innovations of processing technologies.

ICBC24 is a significant conference, serving as a meeting point for thought leaders, researchers, and industry professionals in the field of cereal science and technology“, adds Kristof Brijs, Chair of the Board of HGF.

Kicking off with a preliminary activity, the HGF General Assembly and strategy workshop are scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2024, from 16:00 to 18:00. During this meeting, Kristof Brijs, the recently appointed Chair of the Board of HGF, will elaborate on the goals and activities of HGF for the near future. This pre-conference platform will also offer members the opportunity to engage in strategic discussions. Furthermore, HGF will host a special session during the conference to highlight the research contributions of its esteemed members.

In order to enhance the ICBC24 experience, HGF members will receive exclusive benefits for this important conference. Members are eligible for an extended early bird rate until March 31st, 2024, along with an additional -25% discount for at least one member from your organization.

To receive these exclusive offers, HGF members are encouraged to reach out to office@icc.or.at for their registration code. Join this immersive experience designed to inspire, connect, and pave the way for the future of cereal science and technology.

Best regards,
The HGF Board

HealthFerm is a European research project investigating innovative pulse and cereal-based food fermentations together with the health effects and consumer perception of novel fermented foods. Fermented foods have gained a reputation for being beneficial to health. However, with the exception of yogurt and other cultured dairy products, little concrete evidence exists for the actual health benefits of fermented foods. 

Therefore, the HealthFerm project performs several human intervention studies to better understand the interaction between food fermentation microbiomes, fermented grain-based foods and the human gut microbiome and how they support human health. A community-science approach plays a vital part in collecting diverse food fermentation microbiomes used to design innovative fermented plant-based foods with optimal health benefits.

Health Aspects of Plant-Based Fermented Foods: A Point of View from the HealthFerm Project

Feb 21, 2024 10:00 AM CET

*This webinar, conducted in English, is open to all and free of charge.


Webinar Overview: Unraveling the Health Aspects of Plant-Based Fermented Foods

This upcoming webinar will introduce you to the health aspects of plant-based fermented foods, focusing on insights from the HealthFerm project. Food fermentations are often said to improve the nutritional and health profile of fermented foods. In this webinar, we look at this from different angles. After covering the basics aspects of plant-based food fermentation and its consequences for the fermented foods, we look deeper into potential mechanisms for health benefits and end with a presentation on existing evidence for health effects of fermented foods. 



1. Prof. Christophe Courtin – KU Leuven

Abstract: In this introductory presentation, we first look at different types of fermentation and fermented foods. We then discuss why food fermentation has gained renewed interest in industry and society. In the third part, the consequences of fermentation for food composition are considered. Finally, some prospects regarding food fermentation research are presented.

2. Prof. Kristin Verbeke – KU Leuven

Abstract: The internet and popular media mention plenty of reasons why we should eat fermented food products. This presentation will delve deeper in the potential mechanisms that may explain the presumed health benefits of plant-based fermented foods. These mechanisms are not uniform for all fermented foods but depend on the type of food, the type of microorganism and the type of processing.

3. Prof. Marjukka Kolehmainen – University of Eastern Finland

Abstract: The presentation will explore the potential gut mediated health impact of plant based foods. After this critical discussion will focus on the current evidence on health impact of fermented plant based foods, and justification why fermentation could be regarded as improving the health impact of plant based foods.


Moderator: Jan de Vries, Communication Manager of the Healthgrain Forum


For more detailed information about the HealthFerm project, please visit: www.healthferm.eu. The project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this webinar belong to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union and the granting authority cannot be held responsible for them.

We are pleased to announce that HGF will have a Session at EFFoST 2023Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2023 Agenda 6-8 November 2023 | Valencia, Spain

The HGF Session “From innovation to product development gaining consumer acceptability – building sustainability in food system” will take place on November 7th from 16.30h to 18.30h CET and will be chaired by Jan de Vries (NutritionSolutions) and Silvia Folloni (Open Fields srl).

We prouldy present our speakers and talks:

16:30 16:35 Short introduction to Healthgrain Forum Silvia Folloni HGF
16:35 17:00 Cultivating sustainability: The green promise of grass proteins Kaisu Riihinen VTT, Finland
17:00 17:30 Sensory Profiling and Flavor Analysis of Faba Bean Ingredients and Extrudates Fabio Tucillo University of Helsinki, Finland
17:30 18:00 Advantages and Challenges of Using Pulse Flours in Food Applications: A Focus on Sustainability, Protein Enrichment, and Nutritional Benefits Kerstin Burseg GoodMills Innovation GmbH, Germany
18:00 18:30 Exploiting Genetic Variation to Improve the Composition and Health Benefits of Wheat Peter Shewry Rothamsted Research, UK

All conference details and programme can be found here.

HGF members are cordially invited to the TNO Symposium on Optimising Food and Fibre Composition for Enhancing Microbial and General Health on the 20th of September 2023 at Naturalis in Leiden!
This symposium emphasizes the importance of beneficial synergistic effects of combinations of fibres and their interactions with other compounds. It will present new insights and technologies for exploring and optimising synergistic effects and thereby contributing to personal and public health. Keynote: Bruce Hamaker, Distinguished Professor of Food Science, Purdue University, USA.

Moreover,  the end of 38 years at TNO of Jan-Willem van der Kamp will be celebrated!

Please find all the details online and please register before September 8th.

HGF is partner of the new EU Research Project HEALTHFERM, which targets with the help of community science the societal and industrial transition from traditional to sustainable plant-based fermented foods by design for a healthy everyday diet. 

HGF, with the support of ICC, organizes a workshop on omics principles in fermentation technology at the facilities of ETH Zürich, CH.

More detailed information about the programme is available here

HGF is partner of the new EU Research Project HEALTHFERM, which targets with the help of community science the societal and industrial transition from traditional to sustainable plant-based fermented foods by design for a healthy everyday diet. 

HGF, with the support of ICC, organizes the 2nd HealthFerm Webinar on the Impact of microbial fermentation on food composition and nutritional attributes.

This webinar will take place on 15 June 10.30-12.00 CEST and will introduce you in the science of digestive health and fermented cereals and pulses. How good foods are digested, is a fascinating topic that is considered to be relatively well understood, but with still large challenges to be solved. These challenges and the question what scientific evidence is available if it comes to fermented foods and (long term) health will be addressed during this webinar.
Speakers will be:
Prof. Kristin Verbeke – KU Leuven
Prof. Rikard Landberg – Chalmers University of Technology
Jan de Vries, Communication Manager of the HealthGrain Forum, will moderate this webinar.

This is a free webinar and will be held in English.


More detailed information about HealthFerm project is available here

The Whole Grain Initiative is announcing the formation of a working group with the goal to identify a recommendation for whole grain intake.

Dr. Eleanor Beck, Head of School of Health Sciences University of New South Wales in Australia, has agreed to kick off the discussions.

Although the group will decide the best approach – they will determine the basis for a recommendation, identify the science to support, and then make the recommendation.

There may even be potential for some novel research in one or more regions to generate data or model impact of decisions.

If you would like to join, or know someone who should, be invited to the kick-off – then please contact office@wholegraininitiative.org for inclusion in the participant list.

The WGI is looking forward to make progress on this important issue and the advocacy that follows to encourage adoption!

The Spring Workshop 2023 will be organized from Wednesday 26.4. to Thursday 27.4. at the facilities of the HGF member Puratos, in Groot-Bijgaarden – Belgium on Wednesday and at the facilities of the HGF member KU Leuven at the Arenberg Castle Auditorium in Leuven on Thursday.

The programme outline consists of:

Wednesday April 26

– Visit at Puratos facilities in Groot-Bijgaarden starting from 09:00 CEST
– Afternoon workshop with presentations on the EU project InnoFoodAfrica results
– HGF General Assembly meeting
– Networking dinner in Brussels

Thursday April 27

– From 09:00-13:00 CEST workshop at KU Leuven Arenberg Castle Auditorium in collaboration with the EU project HealthFerm focusing on the state of the art of fermentation processes in relation to sensory quality, food safety and shelf life.

Please find here the final programme.

Please note that the meeting point for the bus transportation will be at the lobby of Hotel Warwick in Brussels on 26.4. and 27.4. at 8 CEST.

Also Non-HGF Members are warmly invited to join the HGF Spring Workshop 2023 but need to pay a cost reimbursement for food and transportation, while the workshop is offered free of charge to HGF Members / IFA Partners and HealthFerm Partners. For the 26.4. a max of 50 people can attend. This shall be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hotel Warwick reservation in Brussels: please contact Mrs. Portier under following email: lportier@warwickhotels.com and mention HGF workshop to ask for an overnight rate on these days (25-27.04.)