HealthFerm Webinar | Health Aspects of Plant-Based Fermented Foods: A Point of View from the HealthFerm Project
HealthFerm is a European research project investigating innovative pulse and cereal-based food fermentations together with the health effects and consumer perception of novel fermented foods. Fermented foods have gained a reputation for being beneficial to health. However, with the exception of yogurt and other cultured dairy products, little concrete evidence exists for the actual health benefits of fermented foods.
Therefore, the HealthFerm project performs several human intervention studies to better understand the interaction between food fermentation microbiomes, fermented grain-based foods and the human gut microbiome and how they support human health. A community-science approach plays a vital part in collecting diverse food fermentation microbiomes used to design innovative fermented plant-based foods with optimal health benefits.
Health Aspects of Plant-Based Fermented Foods: A Point of View from the HealthFerm Project
Feb 21, 2024 10:00 AM CET
*This webinar, conducted in English, is open to all and free of charge.
Webinar Overview: Unraveling the Health Aspects of Plant-Based Fermented Foods
This upcoming webinar will introduce you to the health aspects of plant-based fermented foods, focusing on insights from the HealthFerm project. Food fermentations are often said to improve the nutritional and health profile of fermented foods. In this webinar, we look at this from different angles. After covering the basics aspects of plant-based food fermentation and its consequences for the fermented foods, we look deeper into potential mechanisms for health benefits and end with a presentation on existing evidence for health effects of fermented foods.
1. Prof. Christophe Courtin – KU Leuven
Abstract: In this introductory presentation, we first look at different types of fermentation and fermented foods. We then discuss why food fermentation has gained renewed interest in industry and society. In the third part, the consequences of fermentation for food composition are considered. Finally, some prospects regarding food fermentation research are presented.
2. Prof. Kristin Verbeke – KU Leuven
Abstract: The internet and popular media mention plenty of reasons why we should eat fermented food products. This presentation will delve deeper in the potential mechanisms that may explain the presumed health benefits of plant-based fermented foods. These mechanisms are not uniform for all fermented foods but depend on the type of food, the type of microorganism and the type of processing.
3. Prof. Marjukka Kolehmainen – University of Eastern Finland
Abstract: The presentation will explore the potential gut mediated health impact of plant based foods. After this critical discussion will focus on the current evidence on health impact of fermented plant based foods, and justification why fermentation could be regarded as improving the health impact of plant based foods.
Moderator: Jan de Vries, Communication Manager of the Healthgrain Forum
For more detailed information about the HealthFerm project, please visit: The project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this webinar belong to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union and the granting authority cannot be held responsible for them.