Activities related to grains and health
Here you find documents of HEALTHGRAIN Forum activities and overviews related to grains and health.
HGF presentation Health Effects of Cereal Fibre
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HEALTHGRAIN Forum leaflet “Carbohydrate, fibre and whole grain intake and health"
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HGF presentation - The Benefits of Whole Grain 2012-12
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HGF leaflet - Health protective mechanisms of whole grain cereals 2011-10
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New hypotheses for the health-protective mechanisms of whole-grain cereals: what is beyond fibre?
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Overview of cereal related health claims and EFSA Scientific Opinions (June 2012)
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Whole grain, definition and recommendations for consumption
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Weighing in on Whole Grains: A review of Evidence Linking Whole Grains to Body Weight
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HGF Symposium FENS 2011 - Seal Whole grains inflammatory response and metabolic syndrome
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Effects of whole grain on metabolic risk factors
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