HGF WEBINAR on Sprouted Grains – Presentations available!
On April 08, 2020 at 1:00 PM CEST HGF organised a free webinar for all its members on Sprouted Grains – many thanks to our presenters as well as to all participants!
Lysanne Weel, currently working on grains & seeds as a Global Product Manager at Puratos together with Pieter Heirbaut, R&D Manager focusing on projects related to tender grains, seeds, and sprouts used mainly for bakery and patisserie applications, presented “Sprouted Grains, a booming topic. From trends to nutrition and claims.”
Elien Lemmens, engaged in a PhD project on sprouting and/or hydrothermal processing of wheat for improving mineral bio-accessibility at KU Leuven, talked about “The impact of hydro-priming and osmo-priming on seedling characteristics and cell wall and phytate hydrolysis in sprouted wheat”.
All HGF Members can find a video as well as their presentations and all Q&A as pdf file in the Member Area (under HGF_Meetings/HGF_Webinars) when loged in!
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again to a next HGF Webinar!