HGF WEBINAR on Sensory aspects of plant-based proteins!


Join us for this webinar on September 30, 2021 at 12:00 PM  – 01:30 PM CEST. You can register here.

Erminio Monteleone is a Full Professor at University of Florence, where he teaches Sensory Evaluation of Food and Consumer Testing and leads the Sensory Unit. Coordinator of the PhD programme in Sustainable Management of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Resources (UNIFI). From 2010 to 2016 he served as coordinator of the Master in Food Science and Technology at Florence University. His research activity, and his scientific contribution to the sensory food science field is documented by over 120 papers published in peer reviewed international scientific journals indexed on Scopus (h index 34). Permanent member of the Executive Committee of the Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium and of the Eurosense scientific committee. Since 2011 chairman of the Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS). Co-founder of the European Sensory Science Society (E3S). Member of the Accademia dei Georgofili of Florence. Associate Editor of the scientific journal Food Quality and Preference (Elsevier).
Presentation title: “Consumer perception of Alternative Proteins”.

Christoph Hald is Research Associate at the Chair of food chemistry and molecular sensory science at TU Munich. His research field is about the discovery of new taste and color-active molecules in food. In particular, his doctoral work was about taste active metabolites in rapeseed protein isolate. His expertise is compound isolation, structural elucidation, and metabolite quantification in complex samples.

Andrea Spaccasassi is Doctoral student at the Chair of food chemistry and molecular sensory science at TU Munich. His research field is about the untargeted metabolomics of food. In particular, his doctoral work is about the high-throughput screening of culture fermentation performances in pea protein-based emulsions. His expertise is untargeted metabolomics, data processing, and statistical evaluation.
Their presentation title: “Sensometabolomics of plant-based protein: an approach to discover and profile sensory active metabolites in novel plant-based ingredients”. 

Anne Nugent (Queen’s University Belfast) will moderate this webinar.

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