HGF is proud to announce the Session “Improving Diet Quality With Whole Grain and Cereal Fibres“ at FENS 2019, which takes place on October 15 at 15h in Dublin, Convention Center, Wicklow Hall 2A.
FENS is the premier European meeting within nutritional science for nutrition scientists and researchers, bringing together nutrition and health professionals from across Europe.
This year the conference will present European perspectives on ‘malnutrition in an obese world’. With increasing rates of non-communicable diseases globally alongside the persistent presence of nutritional deficiencies and undernutrition, the conference will take a wide-ranging approach to the topic.
Prof. Chris Seal (Newcastle University), Prof. Christophe Courtin (KU Leuven) and Prof. Koen Venema (Maastricht University) will be the speakers of the HGF Session, chaired by Jan de Vries.
Find here all the details.
The HGF Session is sponsored by