HEALTHGRAIN Forum leaflets and presentations
HEALTHGRAIN Forum presentation “Health Effects of Cereal Fibre” (Jan. 2015)
HEALTHGRAIN Forum leaflet “Carbohydrate, fibre and whole grain intake and health”(Dec. 2012)
HEALTHGRAIN Forum presentation “The Benefits of Whole Grain” (Dec. 2012)
HEALTHGRAIN Forum leaflet “Health-protective mechanisms of whole grain cereals – new hypotheses” (Oct. 2011). A summary of:
Anthony Fardet in Nutrition Research Reviews (2010): New hypotheses for the health-protective mechanisms of whole-grain cereals: what is beyond fibre?
Presentations from the HEALTHGRAIN Forum Symposium at the 11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), 26-29 October 2011:
- van der Kamp: Whole grain, definition and recommendations for consumption
- McKeown: Weighing in on Whole Grains – A review of Evidence Linking Whole Grains to Body Weight
- Seal: Whole grains, inflammatory response and metabolic syndrome
- Björck: Effects of whole grain on metabolic risk factors
EFSA Scientific opinions
Positive EFSA Scientific opinions:
- Wheat bran – increase in faecal bulk and reduction in intestinal transit time(link is external)
- Oat beta glucan – lowering blood cholesterol and reduced risk of (coronary) heart disease(link is external)
- Beta glucans – maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentrations(link is external)
Note: the proposed health claims relating wheat bran and (oat) beta glucans to maintenance or achievement of normal body weight were rejected by EFSA.
Negative EFSA Scientific opinions:
- Whole Grain – all health claims rejected: whole grain is insufficiently characterised(link is external)
- Wheat dextrin – all health claims rejected: cause and effect relationship have not been established(link is external)